Wine cellars Route (Moriles)

Wine cellars Route (Moriles)

This route is a marked 10.7 km hiking tour. It starts at the ancient Moriles-Horcajo station, in NavasdelSelpillar (Lucena), at the beginning of the Natural Road Olive Oil Greenway from Moriles to Campo Real (Puente Genil). Along this route, you can visit “Merendero...
Paula Contreras’s Route (Moriles)

Paula Contreras’s Route (Moriles)

This route’s name is due to the local teacher and writer, who transported many of Moriles’s landscapes and characters into her stories. This is a 5 km circular route, which offers many possibilities to be completed with other important places of her life, such as “La...
Luenga Stone (Montilla)

Luenga Stone (Montilla)

Rock mass in 6 kilometres away from the urban city, in the place known as “La Campiñuela”. This is a unique rock in the area, made of dolomitic materials, limestone and red sandstone. The rock is original from the Triassic Era and it was exploited as a mine during the...